1000 days

Congratulations on the beginning of your journey as parents! In these 1000 days you will live in a whirlwind of emotions, and you may feel the need to be guided, supported and listened to at different levels.


First of all, why 1000 days?

Studies have demonstrated that the first 1000 days of a child’s life can make a big difference in terms of their lifestyle, cognitive functions and development. So if we start nourishing them in the period going from conception until their second birthday and implement good habits, we make sure they’re off to the best start.


Good nutrition

Good nutrition and supplementation in pregnancy and after birth, support with infant feeding, correct introduction to a variety of foods when your little one is ready and finding ways to facilitate your baby’s cognitive and motor skills is what Your Midwife is all about.


Partners are fundamental

Partners are a fundamental member of this team and it is vital for them to take part in our activities in order to support and be supported in the best way possible, provide a significant influence on their child's development and help us delivering a family centred service. During these 1000 days you will receive a care tailored to your needs and evidence based advice in relation to good nutrition, safe exercise, infant feeding and parenting coping strategies.


The Services

From one-off consultations, to personalised packages to workshops, discover how Your Midwife can help you!